Monday, October 29, 2007

class discussion 10/19

First of all, I just have to say, that too many people talk at one time in this class and it's very hard to understand what's going on and follow a conversation. Especially when people aren't all talking about the same thing. Maybe it's just me and my traditional ways, but I've always thought it was rude to have conversations with people while someone was presenting something, whether that be student or teacher. we're lucky enough to be able to multi-task in this class so we cna ge tings done and experiment at the same time, but it just goes to a whole other level when people are talking during the class period. Ok that's my rant, I'm done now.

I thought Shauna's articles were extremely interesting. The article about not graduating high school and still going to college sparked a great conversation (from what I heard). Part of me thinks that's a great idea. However, I agree with what some people said about that possibility completely going against the whole purpose of schooling. I think the only thing that really stops people who haven't completed high school from still attending college is the cost. Honestly, if you can't afford it, than college is ust out of reach for you. And with all the restrictions that are imporsed on financial aid (which is a rant I will save for another day), it's nearly impossible for this dream of higher education to come true for most people - even many of us who have completed high school. Some people say that it's too convenient, and it isn't as novel anymore that people attend college because it's so necessary. but to be honest, it's still so hard for students to mkae it through because life gets in the way. Many that start don't finish. And nw that I've lost my train of thought, I'll move on....

In relation to that, distance education is becoming more and more popular. I recently signed up for a program at Kaplan University, and within the two weeks it took me to completely go through the registration process, my major went from enrolling 3 to enrolling 12. Distance education honestly, is easier for those that want to get the college experience but still need to deal with life. it's exceptionally good for those who are non-traditional students (working parents for example). I think this is a realistics way to look at the idea of attending college without having completed high school.

Again, I've lost my train of thought.... so I'll move on.

I waited until the last minute to get my cell phone. Not because I didn't want one, but I honestly had no use for it. Then when I got one, and got one that worked, I simply got a tracfone because I could pay as I went. I was beginning college, and I thought it would be helpful to stay in touch with family. When I started my job my senior year of college, I had to get a more efficient phone, and contracted with verizon. And I'm definately not one of those people who rushes to the mall when my two year contract is up. I made my phone last until some of the buttons and features just stopped working. I finally upgraded, and while choosing only one phone was simple enough, cheap enough, and still served my purposes. I definately don't need all the bells and whistles, and I certainly don't care if it's pretty. I refuse to buy and iPhone, I still haven't bought an iPod (though I finally do really want one), and I have delayed upgrading my computer for two years. I'm in desparate need of the upgrade, but cost kills me at this point. while looking at varieties, again, I approach it like I do my cell phone... does it do what I need it to do (the basics), and will it be reliable for the next 4-5 years? That's all I need to know when it comes to things.

I'm not really only for getting the latest technology. I enjoy playing with things, I may have an interest in things, but I don't run out and buy things immediately. I have no interest in most technology out there. Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways, I like what I like and I hate having to learn something new when I don't even know everything about the programs I am using. I'm not exactly wres where this all puts me on that scale we talked about, but that's how I feel.


rajansock said...

Well - let see. The first rant. I will bring it to the class's attention. The one day it was difficult for me, and as we become more comfortable with one another, I feel it may continue:-)

rajansock said...

Next - College - I think that your idea about distance education is a good one to meet student needs, and the non-graduating high school student. I was very interested in your strong opinions which makes me think that you have worked hard to get where you are. You appreciate it! Also, it means that you will be appreciated in your college role.

rajansock said...

Lastly, (I'm getting sick of my picture) you talked about your adoption of cell phones. IF this is characteristic of most technology you would be considered a late adopter, but it just may be of cell phones - NOT of everything! I'm a late adopter of cell phones too. And, I don't like to be an innovator, because those people have to work out all the "bugs". I don't have time for it:-)