Monday, October 1, 2007


Well, I guess my first reaction is how contradictory informations seems to be when it comes to answering the question "Is education in crisis?". I mean, we can gather all kinds of information that proves that it is, then find information that shows we are getting better so it's not, then we can actually work in the system and change our minds again. It seems to me that this is one of those never-ending debates.

Making technology readily available is helpful - to some. Segregating the special education students from mainstream students is good - to a degree. All of these laws and standardized tests are meant to measure academic progress, but there are debates about their standardization methods. Some schools can claim that they've improved their curriculum because of the pressure caused from these tests, while others say the pressure has hurt their students, administration and teachers.

It never ends. I feel like everyone has and will continue to have very good points during their presentations. However, there is always going to be something to debate on the issue. Part of me feels like it's pointless because there will be no end. But, listening to the information is very useful.

As for the presentations themselves, I found both to be well done. Group two was very creative with their sounds and graphics. Both groups showed that at least one perosn in the group was experienced in the use of PowerPoint. I'm excited to see what other people have done.

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